27 applicants for the Dean positions
By the deadline, a total of 13 applications for the positions of deans and 14 applications for the positions of deans of education were received . The breakdown of applicants by faculty is the following:
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Applicants for the Dean: Peppi Karppinen
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Tuomo Glumoff
Faculty of Humanities
Applicants for the Dean: Paula Rossi
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Alexey Bagin, Matti Enbuske, Pirjo Suvilehto
Faculty of Education
Applicants for the Dean: Risto Honkonen, Jyrki Komulainen, Kati Mäkitalo
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Sari Harmoinen
Faculty of Science
Applicants for the Dean: Maarit Järvenpää
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Saana-Maija Aho
Faculty of Medicine
Applicants for the Dean: Jukka Hakkola, Mika Rämet, Osmo Tervonen
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Petri Kulmala
Oulu Business School
Applicants for the Dean: ei hakijoita määräajassa
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Mari Juntunen, Janne Järvinen, Satu Nätti
Faculty of Technology
Applicants for the Dean: Rauno Heikkilä, Mirja Illikainen, Pekka Leviäkangas
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Jukka Majava, Antti Niemi
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Applicants for the Dean: Jukka Riekki
Applicants for the Dean of Education: Jari Iinatti, Minna Isomursu
The application period for the Dean of Oulu Business Scool was extended on the 13th September. The application period ends on 30th of September 2021. Selection process continues with the faculties' hearings and interviewing of the applicants.