6G Flagship appoints Dr Matinmikko-Blue Director, Sustainability and Regulation

Dr Marja Matinmikko-Blue is appointed Director, Sustainability and Regulation of the 6G Flagship. The appointment formalises the importance of sustainability and regulation in all things 6G.
6G Flagship appoints Dr Matinmikko-Blue Director, Sustainability and Regulation

Marja Matinmikko-Blue has extensive experience in research and project leadership within the regulatory, technical, and business aspects of mobile communications. She has participated in the international arena for more than 20 years, starting with an EU project that estimated the spectrum needs for the 4G systems. She chaired the cognitive radio system studies at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). She is recognised for her contributions to local 5G operator and spectrum licensing models and for connecting the vision for 6G with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

"In an industry that is often steered by the short-term goals of individual stakeholders, I attempt to guide long-term outcomes that are good for humanity. We are all impacted by telecommunications development, and it is important that future deployments are ubiquitous, sustainable, and affordable to all."

Matinmikko-Blue's unique perspective stems from her cross-disciplinary approach to research. In 2012 she became a Doctor of Science in Communications Engineering. The following year she received the young scientist's award from the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion for her active collaboration between academia, industry, and regulation. To further formalise her cross-disciplinary understanding, she completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree on stakeholder analysis from Industrial Engineering and Management in 2018.

6G communications are expected to boost global economic growth, create new business models and enable the technologies needed to reach global sustainability goals. In her new role as Director, Sustainability and Regulation of the 6G Flagship, Matinmikko-Blue will address these topics from the regulatory, business, and technical perspectives. "I am looking forward to the opportunity to focus my attention on sustainability and regulatory issues. 6G holds the promise of decreasing the environmental footprint of the telecommunications sector, while at the same time enabling new applications that will help all industries to fight major sustainability challenges including the climate change."

6G Flagship is the world's first 6G research, development, and innovation programme. It is funded by the Academy of Finland and the University of Oulu for 2018−2026.

See also

Marja Matinmikko-Blue’s profile

Selfishness is not the way forward - Marja Matinmikko-Blue makes the case for shared spectrum

White Paper on 6G Drivers and the UN SDGs

Last updated: 25.10.2021