news 24.03.2025 Matti Pouke has started as tenure-track Assistant Professor in Virtual Realities in Hybrid Intelligence programme
news 30.01.2025 Abstract call is open for AIS2025 conference in Oulu – digitalization serving humanity is one of the main themes
news 10.01.2025 SAB member professor Carolyn Rosé: “As we clarify what the frontier of capability is both for humans and for AI, it will be more clear where the sweet spot is for synergy”
news 10.01.2025 SAB member professor Nikol Rummel: “We need to think how to ensure that AI serves humans in a way that empowers us and increases our freedom”
news 10.01.2025 SAB member professor Hirokazu Kato: “How can we enrich our capabilities with machine intelligence without becoming too dependent on it?”
news 10.01.2025 SAB member professor Kaisa Väänänen: “How human agency changes in the close collaboration between humans and machines is one of the most interesting questions”
news 19.12.2024 Trust in AI was a big theme in collaboration of Delft University and University of Oulu at Arctic AI Day 2024
news 18.11.2024 Call for Hybrid Intelligence (HI) New Research Initiatives (NRI) 2025 for University of Oulu researchers is open
news 16.10.2024 HI Ethics Forum Webinar: "Regulatory Sandboxes Under the EU AI Act" is held on 13th of November
news 03.10.2024 HI Lights 2 seminar: Understanding learning processes for Hybrid Intelligence is held on 7th of November
news 24.09.2024 Juho Kannala started as a Professor in the Extended Human Mind in Multirealities theme within the HI research programme
news 26.08.2024 Postdoctoral Researcher or Senior Research Fellow position in Data science open in HI Program
news 09.07.2024 Hybrid Intelligence team organized “Human-AI mutual promotion for emotion and cognition understanding” tutorial session at HHAI 2024 conference
news 04.07.2024 SAB member Professor Nicu Sebe: “Human being should be the focal point in hybrid intelligence”
news 03.07.2024 First HI Lights seminar at the University of Oulu dived into the ways human emotions and behavior can be understood from the data and algorithm aspect
news 18.06.2024 Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) visited Hybrid Intelligence research programme in Oulu to kick off the collaboration