news 24.01.2023 Valerio Izzi appointed Vice President of the International Society for Matrix Biology
news 24.01.2023 Quantum computing for drug development and finance applications - Significant Business Finland funding for quantum software research
news 23.01.2023 Are you interested in becoming a tutor or kummi student for new students for the academic year 2023-2024? Come and visit the Tutor stand to find out more!
news 23.01.2023 Jarkko Saarinen: The sustainability evaluation of the tourism sector should not be based on individual SDGs
news 20.01.2023 Non-metallic inclusions in steels and their effect on the toughness and ductility. Ultra-high-strength steels and high strength offshore steels
news 20.01.2023 Significant funding for the development of a new mobile dental and head imaging method
news 20.01.2023 The number of applicants for English-taught programmes at the University of Oulu almost doubled from last year