news 15.02.2023 University of Oulu develops new types of orthopaedic implants using metal 3D printing
news 14.02.2023 Communal leisure activities in youth support mental health into adulthood in young people with psychological symptoms
news 13.02.2023 University of Oulu opens eleven Tenure Track positions to strengthen its research profile fields
news 10.02.2023 PITHIA TNA call for collaboration with researchers, enterprises and public organizations open now
news 10.02.2023 Article requests from the National Repository Library can now be delivered in electronic form
news 09.02.2023 Call for suggestions for external members of the University of Oulu Board of Directors
news 08.02.2023 Minor planet ring that should not exist - What prevents Quaoar’s ring from accreting to a moon?
news 07.02.2023 Europe and its green and digital transition: where and how to get the necessary critical raw materials?