About 500 responses to the campus vision survey— the creation of scenarios begins

Work on the campus vision of the University of Oulu is progressing at a good pace. Currently, the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (University of Jyväskylä) analyses the responses of a survey aimed at the university community. In total, about 500 responses were received to the survey on the vision of the future campus of the University of Oulu.

Approximately 470 respondents were single persons and about 30 group responses. The survey was opened to the university community by the campus entity vision working group in April and it was open until June 26th.

The Finnish Institute for Educational Research will hand over the report to the campus vision working group at the end of August, on the basis of which the working group will begin to create scenarios of what the University of Oulu will look like in 2050. University staff and students will be able to comment on scenarios towards the end of the year.

On Tuesday 23 August, the Board of Directors of the University of Oulu decided to extend the mandate of the vision working group until the end of 2022.

The working group began its work in March 2022 when the University Board of Directors decided to launch a long-term vision work on the campus. The aim is to examine the conditions for creating the most unified campus area for the activities of the University of Oulu in Oulu. The 15-person working group consists of staff from each faculty, students and representatives of different service units.

Lotta Leinonen, chair of the working group, welcomes the activity of the group.

“The working group has worked swiftly and the members have contributed equally. We have a good togetherness and a strong willed state of creating a common vision.”

When creating scenarios, you do not think about the future location of the university, but about what the university will be like in 2050.

Campus vision working group,

Chair Lotta Leinonen


Last updated: 26.8.2022