Arctic Frontiers Student Forum (AFSF) 2023 - Call for applications open until 18.12.2022

Arctic Frontiers project partners are pleased to announce the Arctic Frontiers Student Forum (AFSF) 2023. The Student Forum is an initiative by Arctic Frontiers and Oulu Business School, University of Oulu supported by Erasmus + Youth and the Norwegian Barents Secretariat.

Arctic Frontiers Student Forum 2023

The goal of the Student Forum is to create a platform for young students to deepen their understanding of Arctic issues and to provide the space for an intergenerational dialogue. If you are a Bachelor's or a Master's student interested in Arctic issues, this is for you!

The AFSF2023 will gather Bachelor's and Master's students from Northern Norwegian and Northern Finnish institutions in person in Tromsø, Norway during the Arctic Frontiers conference week from the 29th of January to the 4th of February. Students enrolled in shorter programs on similar levels are also eligible. The institutions are the University of Oulu, University of Lapland, University of Tromsø- the Arctic University of Norway, Nord University and the Sámi University for Applied Sciences.

During these six days, we will talk about issues regarding the Arctic, raise awareness, provoke discussion, inspire solutions, demonstrate innovative pursuits taking place in the Arctic, and discuss further opportunities for contribution from young students. The program will include elements of the main Arctic Frontiers 2023 conference, as well as workshops and cultural events. All applicants must be fluent in English.

Funding Opportunity and Participation

There is a funding opportunity for students associated with Northern Norway and Northern Finland to cover for the main conference registration and expenses related to travel, accommodation, and food.

You will be asked to share a room, with separate beds, with one other person. We will ask you who you are willing to share a room with once you are confirmed for the program. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss sleeping arrangements further, please contact us before submitting your application.

To apply, you should submit a motivation letter of max. 500 words, where you demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for Arctic issues and research and why you should be selected. Please include your full name, study program, institutional affiliation and where you reside.

The deadline for the application is the 18th of December.

Students in North Finland: Please send your application by email to Jemina Kotila, Oulu Business School,


Doctoral Researcher

Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance

Oulu Business School, University of Oulu


tel. +358 294 482 937

Oulu Business School

GenZ – Economic Resilience research team

Last updated: 12.12.2022