Call for ITEE scholarships for Master’s theses on XR and metaverse related technologies

The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) solicits applications for six (6) 5000 EUR scholarships for master’s theses on extended reality (XR) and metaverse related technologies.

Here, XR is broadly defined to include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and any combination of them. Funds for these scholarships are provided by realXtend Foundation.

To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must satisfy the following conditions:
1. The applicant is enrolled in an ITEE master’s program.
2. The applicant has completed at least 60 credit points in the transcript included in the application.
3. The applicant has not received any other financial support for her/his master’s thesis.
4. The applicant may have no concurrent employment relationship during the scholarship term, i.e. for a period of 6 months starting from the date the scholarship is paid to the recipient, presumably in November 2024.
5. The applicant has obtained a letter of commitment from the prospective supervisor of the master’s thesis.

The application must include following documents as PDF files:
1. Curriculum vitae (file should be named familyname_firstname_CV.PDF).
2. Transcript of records (file should be named familyname_firstname_transcript.PDF).
3. Research plan (max 2 pages in 11 pt font, file should be named familyname_firstname_research_plan.PDF)
4. Letter of commitment from the prospective supervisor of the master’s thesis (email is sufficient, file should be named familyname_firstname_commitment.PDF).

Applications should be emailed to Professor Timo Ojala ( by September 30, 2024, 23:59 local time. The subject field of the email must be “Application for ITEE scholarship for master’s thesis on XR and metaverse related technologies [familyname_firstname]”.

Late applications will not be considered.

The decisions will be made by October 15, 2024.

Last updated: 12.9.2024