Call for Master's thesis scholarships 2020-2021

CSE research units offer scholarships of 3000 € for Master’s thesis works starting during the academic year 2020-21. The scholarships are aimed for M.Sc. (Eng.) students of the University of Oulu enrolled in either the Degree Programme of Computer Science and Engineering or Master’s Programme in Biomedical Engineering: Signal and Image Processing.

Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is built on world-class research in various fields of information technology including machine vision, biomedical engineering, intelligent information analysis, information security and ubiquitous Internet. The research is carried out in three units: Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group (BISG), Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS), and Center for Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP).

CSE research units offer scholarships of 3000 € for Master’s thesis works starting during the academic year 2020-21. The scholarships are aimed for M.Sc. (Eng.) students of the University of Oulu enrolled in either the Degree Programme of Computer Science and Engineering or Master’s Programme in Biomedical Engineering: Signal and Image Processing.

To be eligible to apply the scholarship, applicant must satisfy the following conditions:

1. The applicant has obtained at least 55 credit points during the academic year 2019-2020 (by 31.7.2020).

2. The applicant has not previously received any financial support for the Master’s thesis work.

BISG, CMVS and UBICOMP are committed to offering an inspiring Master’s thesis topic and high-quality supervision to the scholarship awardees as well as facilities for conducting the research.

The applicant should have a preliminary thesis topic and commitment from the supervisor before applying. Eligible supervisors are listed here.

Submit your electronic application to Anabela Berenguer ( by 30 November 2020 with the following documents:

1. Curriculum Vitae;

2. Latest transcript of records;

3. Motivation letter describing briefly your research interests and the preliminary thesis topic;

4. Email from the supervisor indicating the topic and commitment to supervise the thesis.

The subject field of the email should be Application for Master's thesis scholarship 2020. Attachments must be in a pdf format and the following naming convention should be used: Motivation_familyname_firstname, CV_familyname_firstname, Transcript_familyname_firstname. Commitment_ familyname_firstname

The decisions will be made in early December. The scholarship is paid after the applicant’s Master’s thesis topic application has been processed and approved by the Degree Programme Committee, but not before January 15, 2021. Exceptions to this deadline may apply, at the research unit’s own discretion.

Last updated: 26.3.2021