Call for travel grants and grants for participating virtual conferences and courses

UniOGS announces two calls for grants for doctoral researchers.
Doctoral hat in summer

University of Oulu Graduate school opens two grant calls for doctoral researchers in August 2022. You can either apply:

  1. Travel grant when you travel to national or international conference or course, research visit or trip for data collection. The amount of the grant for courses and conferences is determined by the destination of the trip; up to 500 € may be awarded for trips in Finland, 1000 € for trips in Europe and 1500 € trips outside Europe. The amount awarded for research visits will be decided separately, on a case-by-case basis, maximum 4000 €. OR

  2. Funding for virtual course or conference when you participate to the event remotely. Maximum amount of the grant is 500€ and it can be used for registration fee.

You can receive funding only from one call. The deadline for applications is 21st of August 2022.

In this call, you can apply for a grant for travels occurring between August 2022 and January 2023 (i.e., departure at the latest 31.1.2023).

Instructions for applying and online application form can be found from travel grants webpage.

Please note that there are separate application forms for both calls.

Last updated: 2.8.2022