Career Centre's Work-Ready workshops are back!

The Career Centre offers a unique opportunity for all students to improve their employability potential! Turn the challenge of navigating the job market into your strength, by developing key skills!

A set of workshops will develop the participants’ crucial job-hunting skills step by step. Throughout the sessions, participants will learn how to assess their own strengths, in order to be able to craft a well-structured CV that reflects their potential.

A successful CV is just one step on the way towards your dream job. For that reason, participants will learn about the importance of networking, personal brand and LinkedIn, and how to implement them in their job hunting.

You will receive a "work-ready" certificate after completing the workshops. The workshops run from 01.03.2022 until 17.03.2022 (14:15 - 16:00).

- Articulate your skills and competence - Tellus Backstage (01/03), also ONLINE

- Job search documents - Tellus Stage (02/03), also ONLINE

- Interview & salary negotiations - Tellus Stage (15/03), also ONLINE

- LinkedIn & professional brand - Tellus Stage (17/03), also ONLINE

If you are attending ONLINE, you will receive the link after the registeration.

Please register here:

Last updated: 24.2.2022