Check out the new FEP info guide

Be sure to consult the updated FEP info guide. The info guide has been validated by the Dean of Education and is updated annually for the latest Peppi Guides. The Faculty info guide applies to all students studying at the Faculty of Education and Psychology.

The guide covers issues such as study rights, minor studies, completion of studies, re-taking courses and recognition of learning.

Link to the Faculty curricula, with the info guide at the top.

Excerpts from the guide:

"Students can only study courses that are included in their degree programme/qualification/primary/private study right. The studies included the study right can be found in the degree structure of the admitted student and in the study right information in Peppi."

"In the case of compulsory attendance, the maximum attendance rate required from the student is 90%. Exceptions are internships, where 100% attendance is required. Delays in study or abnormal completion times due to the student's own absences are not considered as a basis for individual arrangements in courses."

"Unfinished coursework, re-take exams, compensation for exercises must be completed no later than the next semester following the end of the course."

"For policies and guidelines related to recognition of learning, please refer to the section on recognition of learning on the For Students website."

"In addition to the University's common guidelines, FEP has defined degree programme/programme-specific regulations. The regulations for each academic year (1 August - 31 July) can be found on the For Students website under the relevant degree programme/education. These regulations are based on the objectives of degrees, and any qualifications to be obtained on completion of the degree."

Last updated: 23.8.2023