The corona situation in the area is accelerating – compliance with the recommendations is very important

On Tuesday, 24 November 2020, the Northern Ostrobothnia Regional Coordination Group stated that the coronavirus epidemic in Northern Ostrobothnia has entered the accelerating phase. The University of Oulu is also intensifying compliance with previous safety instructions and appealing to all university members to ensure that the recommendations are strictly followed.

If you have even mild respiratory symptoms, stay at home and go to a corona test. On campuses, the most important thing is to observe the distance of 1–2 meters between people in all situations, including, for example, when queuing and eating. We strongly recommend the use of a face mask on our premises. In such situations of contact teaching, where the teaching arrangements cannot guarantee the maintenance of distances, the teacher in charge of the teaching event shall ensure the availability of masks and other necessary protective equipment.

By following safety and hygiene guidelines, we safeguard the health of all university students and staff and the opportunity to study and work.

Last updated: 8.12.2020