CSI-COP Best Innovative Privacy Project

European Union Horizon 2020 project CSI-COP was shortlisted for the PICCASO Privacy Award for the category Best Innovative Privacy Project, competing with Nokia Data Marketplace, UK's Information Commissioner's Office ICO and PwC, among others.
PICCASO (Privacy, InfoSec, Culture, Change, Awareness, Societal, Organisation) awarded CSI-COP project as the Best Innovative Privacy Project on the 8th December 2022.
See more about the project from the privacy-by-design, no-tracking web-site https://csi-cop.eu/ or on the web-page at the University of Oulu https://www.oulu.fi/en/projects/citizen-scientists-investigating-cookies-and-app-gdpr-compliance
This communication is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº873169.