Digital security info for all of us - once a month

Digiturvavartti is an open 15 minutes webinar that sums current digital world threats that we all face at work and at leisure. The webinars focus on the latest scam attempts and give tips on how you can protect yourself from them. The webinars are in Finnish.
The hands holding a coffee cup appear behind a laptop

You don’t need to sign up, just join the webinar through the link.

Webinars for the rest of the year:

Digiturvavartti is produced in cooperation with the Digital and Population Information Agency (DVV) and other authorities and operators.

Videos, mobile game and online trainings in English

In addition to the webinars, DVV offers other ways to learn more about digital security in English.

A series of short videos gives tips on improving the digital health of everyday life at work and leisure. With the Digitally Secure Life mobile game, you will learn digital security skills in an easy and fun way. Online trainings cover a wide range of areas of digital security.

Read more and start learning: Digitally Secure Life | Digital and population data services agency (

Last updated: 3.11.2022