Discover your career profile with the Universum CareerTest

Take the Universum CareerTest to discover your career type and identify employers that fit your profile.

Have you wondered what professional life might be like? What kind of colleague could you be, and how might you tackle the challenges you encounter?

The Universum CareerTest 2024 is your guide to answering these questions and forging your exciting new career path!

After completing the test and free registration, you'll unlock ongoing access to your full career profile and a range of professional tools, mirroring what employers demand in today's dynamic job landscape.

At the end of the test, you can enter to stand a chance to win one of Huuray gift cards.

Also, your insights will help us to learn how we can improve and how employer can become more attractive. The CareerTest is anonymous.

Click on this link to begin the Universum CareerTest 2024.

For questions, kindly reach out to

or Angela Suorsa (firstname.lastname(at)

Last updated: 16.11.2023