Dissemination and communication training -course

Credits: 4 ECTS
Schedule: One lecture day and two follow up meetings per year starting November 2023 and continuous course during the I4WORLD programme until 2027. First training day will be held November 14th, 2023 between 9-16 at Foodoo Garden (Timjami), Linnanmaa Campus.
Responsible teacher: Satu Ojala
Target group: This course is mainly targeted for the doctoral researchers selected to the I4WORLD programme whom the course is mandatory and is available for all the doctoral researchers at the University of Oulu.
Objectives: Doctoral researchers will learn how to identify, reach and communicate with relevant stakeholders and target audiences to increase impact. Realisation of dissemination and communication activities are an integral part of the course.
Content: During the course doctoral researchers will learn how they can maximise the impact of their work by presenting their results to different stakeholders. The course includes training in open science skills, social media, scientific communication, communication with the general public, participation in international thematic forums. The specific courses will be given by guest specialists (for example from media and journals). Hands-on training given in dissemination to academic and communication with non-specialist target groups, including open science and social media skills. Personal Dissemination and Communication plan prepared and updated in collaboration with the supervisors.
Registration in Peppi (add course to PSP) or via Tuudo, please register 13.11.2023 at the latest. If you don’t have access to Peppi (no study rights yet) and wish to attend the course, please send email: henna.longi@oulu.fi. More detailed information on the course will be sent out to the participants according to the registration.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!
The course is organized by the I4WORLD (Imaging and Characterisation for a Sustainable World) doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union.