Drop-in with your Career Coach

Would you benefit from setting goals along your career path with a career coach? Or would you like some advice about traineeships/ internships? Or perhaps you want to take the opportunity to ask questions about your job application papers (CV, Cover letter, motivation letter), or to ask advice on how to prepare for job interviews.

As from 8th April 2021, the career coach Angela Suorsa offers drop-in sessions via Virtual Tellus every Thursday at 12.00-13.00.

What is a drop-in session?

A drop-in session with the career coach is an open and relaxed Zoom meeting, where you can ask questions, talk, or just listen. There are no requirements and we will adapt the contents according to the wishes of those who join the session.

We can either discuss broadly about work and study issues, but we can also go into to more specific details if you like. However, after this session if you feel you would like to follow something up, we can arrange a 1:1 private guidance session.

You are free to turn on your camera so that we can see each other, but it is not a must.

Why attend a drop-in session?

  • You get to meet other students and have a little chat about career opportunities and prospects.
  • You can ask questions about Finnish working life, how to make salary requests, and how to approach employers.
  • You can set goals for your job hunt; you can ask question about developing your professional identity.
  • You can find out how to develop your network in a new country.
  • It will be an opportunity to notice that you are not alone in dealing with these issues.

You can join the session on Virtual Tellus. The same link works every week.

Welcome to drop-in at any point!

For more information, contact Angela Suorsa: angela.suorsa@oulu.fi

Last updated: 6.4.2021