Education Innovation Summer School in Malaysia on 3.-14.7.2023

Interested in Education Innovation Summer School in Malaysia? Apply for the scholarship by April 25th!

Students from all programmes in the University of Oulu are welcome to apply for the scholarship to attend

Curtin University Global summer university program: Education Innovation

Two-week intensive programme is organised in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia on 3rd to 14th July 2023 in cooperation with Curtin University and University of Oulu.

  • The University of Oulu will grant scholarship for 4 students.
  • The scholarship will cover course fee and accommodation with breakfast.
  • The student must buy the travelling tickets her/himself and cover all the cost on travelling and insurance.

More information about the program:

The application for the scholarship is informal and open until 25th April. Please send your Motivation letter to Pekka Eksymä,

In your motivation letter you may discuss the following issues:

- your motivation to participate in this course (why do you think this course could be beneficial for you)?
- how does the course relate to your studies and future work?

More information on the scholarship and application:

Pekka Eksymä
Designer of Global Education Services
Extension School
P.O. Box 7910
90014 University of Oulu
tel. +358504083850

Last updated: 14.4.2023