Elderly home care to be improved in North Ostrobothnia: University of Oulu provides continuing education to hundreds of nursing professionals

GNC won the competitive tendering by the POPsote IKÄ project for carrying out training in nursing that promotes rehabilitation in North Ostrobothnia. During the extensive collaboration project, nursing professionals will receive further training through the GeroNurse online training programme developed by the GNC.
GNC is Finland's first research and competence centre focusing on restorative care of the elderly. GNC provides further training to home care, senior housing, nursing homes and hospital nursing staff, family carers, volunteers, those seeking employment in the field and the elderly themselves.
Nursing that promotes restorative care aims to improve and support people's everyday lives and to change the philosophy of nursing from a passive, nurse-oriented approach towards activities that increase and maintain the functional capacity of the elderly.
“There are many ways to support functional capacity by increasing physical activity and independence in everyday activities in the elderly person’s own home. Restorative care at home has been found to shorten the duration of home visits, reduce the use of services and reduce costs compared to elderly persons who have received normal care. Research has shown that the well-managed introduction of restorative care that promotes rehabilitation reduces the nursing staff’s absences due to illness and increases well-being at work and commitment to work, ”says Sinikka Lotvonen, postdoctoral researcher at the GNC.
The IKÄ project has asked people about their needs and experiences in close cooperation with the provincial network of organisations and the Alzheimer Society of Finland. “The results clearly show that the elderly do not want to be objects that someone is planning services and rehabilitation for. They want to be active and plan their own lives even when all the conditions for a good life are not quite met”, says Satu Kangas, project coordinator of the POPsote IKÄ project.
“Training provided by the GeroNursingCentre and the possibility of co-creation help us working in elderly care to support elderly people who are struggling with a challenging life situation in our future wellness area. This extensive training programme for social and health services personnel helps pave the way for the future content of the health and social services reform,” Kangas adds.
The POPsote project develops the social and health services of people living in North Ostrobothnia in cooperation with the municipalities and health and social organisations in the region. The aim is to improve not only the accessibility but also the quality of services by shifting the focus to basic services and early prevention. At the same time, the professional skills of those working with the elderly will be strengthened.
Read more about the Gero Nursing Centre (GNC) of the University of Oulu