Electrification of Linnanmaa campus auditoriums from April 19 to May 13, 2022

Electrification of Linnanmaa campus auditoriums from April 19 to May 13, 2022

Electrification work is carried out in the auditoriums of the Linnanmaa campus as follows:

auditorium L10 from April 19 to 22

auditorium L5 from April 25 to 29

auditorium L6 from April 2 to May 6

auditorium L3 from May 9 to 13

In auditoriums L1 and L4, smaller work will be done from 19 April to 13 May. between, but the electrification they carry out has no effect on the use of those auditoriums.

The work is mainly done within the auditoriums, but some of the work extends also in front of the auditoriums. Work may cause intermittent noises the environment.

Campus services

Last updated: 14.4.2022