Enroll Summer Studies Now

There are three actual summer courses in Information Processing Science and, in addition, several courses offer the opportunity to study independently during the summer. Also check out our university's other summer course offerings.

Summer Courses

There are three actual summer courses in computer science that anyone can attend:

These courses are offered only in Finnish. Enrollment to these takes place via WebOodi (links above) or the Open University. Please note that registration times vary by course.

Summer-Time Self-Study

Students majoring in Information Processing Science can complete selected courses in the summer of 2021. There is no actual teaching or support in the summer, but completion is by exam, returning an assignment, or similarly. The teaching, learning and assessment methods of the courses may deviate from normal implementation, as long as the learning outcomes are met.

Enroll for the summer-time self-study courses no later than Thursday, April 30, 2021.

The responsible teacher of the summer-time self-study course may refuse to organise the course if there are less than five (5) registrants. However, don’t register unnecessarily, as it will put a strain on teachers and possibly other students and will influence the decision on whether to arrange a similar opportunity next summer.

If the summer completion opportunity is arranged on the course, the teacher will announce the passing instructions during the week beginning on Monday, May 10, 2021, and will provide other material according to the course-specific schedule.

Other Summer Studies

In the summer, there is also a good opportunity to study minor subjects that can be included in the degree in elective studies. Studies favored by computer scientists have been e.g. psychology, languages, business as well as computer science and engineering. Please note that you can also take studies from other universities and universities of applied sciences and approve them through the RPL procedure.

Summer studies at the University of Oulu 2021

Last updated: 22.4.2021