Enroll for Summer-Time Self-Study Courses Until May 9th
In addition to the actual summer teaching, internship, and dissertation, students majoring in Information Processing Science can complete selected courses in the summer of 2021. There is no actual teaching or support in the summer, but completion is by exam, returning an assignment, or similarly. The teaching, learning and assessment methods of the courses may deviate from normal implementation, as long as the learning outcomes are met.
In the first phase, as many as 144 major students enrolled for the summer-time self-study courses. The most popular courses were the undergraduate courses Introduction to Research, Programming 2, Programming 3, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Information Security, all of which had more than 20 enrollments. In general, Master's degree courses were of less interest.
Summer-time self-study is available for the following courses:
- Advanced Software Quality and Security
- Business Process Modelling
- Digitalisation and Innovation
- Enterprise Systems
- Johdatus tutkimustyöhön
- Käyttöliittymien perusteet
- Laitteet ja tietoverkot
- Master's Thesis Seminar
- Ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurit
- Ohjelmistojen laatu ja testaus
- Ohjelmistojen mallinnus ja suunnittelu
- Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan perusteet
- Ohjelmointi 2
- Ohjelmointi 3
- Ohjelmointi 4
- Research Methods
- Software Development, Maintenance and Operations
- Software for Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Software Platforms and Ecosystems
- Software-Defined Products, Systems and Services
- Tietojärjestelmien suunnittelu
- Tietokannat
- Tietomallinnus ja -suunnittelu
- Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit
- Tietoturva
- User Experience (UX) Design and Management
- Vaatimusmäärittely
You can still register for the summer-time self-study until Sunday 9 May 2021.
The responsible teacher will send passing instructions to the enrolled students in the week beginning on Monday, May 10, 2021, and will provide other material according to the course-specific schedule.
There were less than five enrollments for the following courses, so there is no summer-time option available:
- ICT and Organisational Change
- Information Security Policy Management in Organisations
- Professional Software Engineering Processes and Human Factors
- Servitisation, Co-Creation and Business Development
- System Design Methods for Information Systems
- Tietojärjestelmien mallintaminen, suunnittelu ja kehitys
- Tietojärjestelmien suunnittelun perusteet
You should also remember the opportunity to do dissertations or internships during the summer:
The University of Oulu's extensive offer of minor subjects can also be utilized in the summer.
Please note that you can also take studies from other universities and universition of applied sciences and approve them through the RPL procedure kautta.