Enrollment on Courses Will Be More Rigorous

In Information Processing Science (including GS3D and EMSE),
there will be a shift to uniform, more rigorous enrollment policies.
Always enroll on a course before the start of the period!

In the future, students' enrollment on courses will always end on the day before the start of the period. The exception is the first period in which enrollment is still open for the first week of the period.

Similarly, course Moodle workspaces usually open immediately on the first day of the period, and at least the course completion method is available at that time. Responsible teachers typically also inform those who have enrolled about the course arrangements by email.

Important dates are:

  • period 1: enrollment by September 5th, 2021; the courses start already on August 30th, 2021
  • period 2: enrollment by October 31st, 2021; the courses start on November 1st, 2021
  • period 3: enrollment by January 9th, 2022; the courses start on January 10th, 2022
  • period 4: enrollment by March 13th, 2022; the courses start on March 14th, 2022.

There may be course-specific exceptions to these dates, but they will be announced separately by the responsible teacher.

In the autumn 2021, however, there are exceptions to the enrollment times. The first period is a transition period to the new policy, when enrollments will be accepted in WebOodi until September 12th, 2021. Enrollments in the second period are likely to be even earlier as the university will transition from the Oodi system to Peppi in the middle of the academic year. Academic Affairs will inform you more about this in the near future.

The new policy is intended to facilitate and improve the opportunities for both students and teachers to make full use of the entire short period for learning and teaching. For example, grouping participants can be done right at the beginning, and work can begin right away. Likewise, passing instructions and schedules are immediately made available to all students. The responsible teacher may, at his / her discretion, also accept late registrations, but there must be particularly good reasons for this.

It is therefore important not only to register on time but also to register only for the courses you actually attend.

Thus, now you should update your own personal study plan (PSP), contact your tutor teacher and register for at least the autumn courses in WebOodi.

Last updated: 25.8.2021