Escape trainings on Linnanmaa 16–19 May and Kontinkangas 23–25 May

Escape trainings on the Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas campuses will be held in weeks 20 and 21.

Escape trainings will be held as follows:

Week 20, Linnanmaa

16.5. Main library (Pegasus)

17.5. Tietotalo, Main Building, Ympäristötietotalo

18.5. Väylä, KTK, Compass and Chemistry Laboratory areas. LuTK, HUTK, Tellus, Lynet laboratory areas (SYK tenants)

19.5. Oulu Business school and Process area, Area of Architecture

Week 21, Kontinkangas

23.5. Aapistie 5A, Dentopolis

24.5. Aapistie 5 BD ja 7ABC

Get familiar with procedures in cases of accident or danger

Last updated: 16.5.2022