Eudaimonia Doctoral Dissertation Prize for Eve Hyrkäs

The doctoral dissertation prize of the multidisciplinary research centre Eudaimonia has been awarded Postdoctoral Researcher Eve Hyrkäs.

Eve Hyrkäs was awarded for her doctoral dissertation Psychosomatic Connections. Mind-Body Histories in Finnish Medicine, ca. 1945–2000.

The doctoral dissertation in the field of history of sciences and ideas deals with the dialogue of mind and body in contemporary medical history. It explores how the concept brought together medical experts, patients and policymakers in twentieth-century Finland (ca. 1945–2000). Eve Hyrkäs defended her doctoral dissertation on the subject at the University of Oulu on 10 June 2022.

The work was evaluated by Professor (emer.) Uskali Mäki from the University of Helsinki. In his reasoning, he mentions that Eve Hyrkäs has a solid understanding of methods and key concepts, their definition and application.

Mäki notes that the work speaks deeply about her subject and opens up new perspectives and insights into the dynamics of scientific development, larger culture and different encounters. According to Mäki, the dissertation is rich in details but theoretically coordinated, so the reader is gently guided in complex terrain.

Last updated: 15.5.2024