Face mask recommendation in electronic exams and rule change for the calculator

It is also advisable to use a face mask in the electronic exam.

In accordance with the university's recommendation (https://www.oulu.fi/forstudents/node/207435), it is also advisable to use a face mask in the electronic exam. If necessary, the mask can be changed during the exam. The student can also use their own mask, put the mask on or change it in the exam room so that you can be identified from the camera surveillance. You can find more detailed instructions for this from the exam room. Masks and hand disinfectants can be found from the exam room. Before touching the mask box, or the mask, you should disinfect your hands with a hand disinfectant.

The student must remember that in case of illness, exam must be cancelled from the system.

Instructions on masks and the use of masks for citizens can be found on THL's website: https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases-and-vaccinations/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates/transmission-and-protection-coronavirus/recommendation-on-the-use-of-face-masks-for-citizens

It is now allowed to take your own calculator to the exam room with the permission of the examiner. You will find permission in the instructions that the examiner has written for you to the field visible during the exam booking process. Taking the calculator into the exam room without the examiner's permission is a rule violation and it launches a suspicion of fraud.

Last updated: 26.3.2021