Finnish language courses available in autumn 2023

Want to learn Finnish? Welcome along! Several courses and groups will be available, both in-person and online, during the autumn of 2023. See short descriptions of the courses below and register on Peppi!

Courses organized by the Extension School

General language courses from the survival level to advanced level.

Survival Finnish Course

This is an introductory course for beginners without any prior Finnish skills. There will be 12 parallel groups, one of them being held in Kontinkangas campus.

Some of the groups will take place online.

Beginners' Finnish Course 1

You can participate in this course, after completing Survival Finnish. There will be 6 parallel groups, one of them being held in Kontinkangas campus.

Some of the groups will take place online.

Beginners' Finnish Course 2

The course is for those who have completed the Beginners' Finnish Course 1 or have equivalent skills in Finnish (entry level A1.2). There will be 2 parallel groups.

Intermediate Finnish Course 1

This course is for those who have completed the Beginners' Finnish Course 2 or have equivalent skills in Finnish (entry level A1.3).

Intermediate Finnish Course 2

This course is for those who have completed the Intermediate Finnish Course 1 or have equivalent skills in Finnish (entry level A2.1).

Conversational Skills in Finnish

The course is for those who have completed the Intermediate Finnish Course 2 or have equivalent skills in Finnish (entry level A2.2). In the course, you can practice speaking in different everyday and working life situations.

Finnish Language Workshop

The course is for those who have completed the Intermediate Finnish Course 2 or have equivalent skills in Finnish (entry level A2.2). The content is tailored according to the group’s wishes and goals.

Courses organized by the Faculty of Humanities

Working Life Finnish

These are advanced-level courses (entry level: B1).

Knowledge of Language Structures 1 / Kielentuntemus 1

5.9.–16.11.2023; lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8–10
This is a course for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the structures of Finnish language and develop accuracy of their own expression in Finnish.

Language Training 1 Finnish Society and Work Communities / Kielikoulutus 1 Suomalainen yhteiskunta ja työyhteisöt

1.11.–17.11.2023; lessons in Zoom on Wednesdays at 16–19 and Fridays at 8–10.
In this course, participants develop their Finnish skills and deepen their knowledge of social issues related to Finnish working life.

Language Training 2 Culture and Communication in Finnish / Kielikoulutus 2 Suomen kielen viestintäkulttuuri ja viestintätavat

21.11.–15.12.2023; lessons in Zoom on Tuesdays at 16–19 and Fridays at 8–10.
In this course, participants learn more about communication culture in Finnish and the most common communication situations in the workplace.

Academic Writing and Reading (focus on your own field) / Akateeminen kirjallinen tuottaminen ja ymmärtäminen (oma ala)

18.9.–27.11.2023; lessons on Mondays at 16–18 (on the Linnanmaa campus and Zoom; hybrid teaching)
In this course, participants develop their academic writing skills and also get to know different types of scientific texts and styles in Finnish especially on their own field.

Registration for the courses in Peppi.

Last updated: 6.6.2023