Funding for the international GenZ visiting scholar programme

University of Oulu’s strategic profiling theme GenZ opens its visitor programme for research visits of professors and postdoctoral researchers to and from Oulu in 2023 to promote research in our scientific themes.

The GenZ profiling project visitor programme funds two forms of research mobility. First, its aim is to invite international and established scholars to spend a research period at the University of Oulu, Finland, and take part in the activities of the GenZ project and the visitor’s host unit. Second, it offers Oulu-based researchers a possibility to visit universities and research institutes abroad.

The applicants’ research profile needs to be based on social sciences and humanities and integrally connected to the core themes in the GenZ project.

The length of the visit – for both incoming and outgoing visits – can be between two weeks and six months. The grants cover travel expenses and accommodation costs, excluding salary. The call is open until the reserved GenZ funding for the visitor programme has been used. The visits must end by the end of October 2023. The decisions will be made in the GenZ management group within one month of the receipt of the application.

GenZ visiting scholar grants

The applicant in both incoming and outgoing visits is a scholar employed by the University of Oulu (host).

Outgoing grants from Oulu will be directed to the applicant's research unit at the University of Oulu to cover part of the total costs.

Incoming grants to Oulu are personal grants. The application is planned and written together by the host and the incoming visiting scholar, and it is submitted by the host.

We ask the applicants and potential visitors to follow the guidelines and principles for applying for a visiting scholar grant:

  1. The research visit corresponds to a period during which the applicant will carry out research related to the core GenZ themes in a university or a research organisation abroad (outgoing visitors) or at the University of Oulu (incoming visitors). The length of the visit can be between two weeks to six months (24 weeks).
  2. Visiting scholar grants can be awarded scholars who have a doctoral degree, e.g., postdoctoral researchers, university researchers and professors.
  3. The application must be submitted before the visit. Visiting scholar grants are not awarded retro-actively.
  4. The grant must be used for the purpose for which it has been awarded. Changes to the purpose of using the grant are not allowed after the grant has been awarded.
  5. The applicants’ previous visiting scholar grants awarded by the GenZ project will be considered during the decision process.
  6. The host unit should commit to the University of Oulu visiting researcher guidelines (internal link).

The amounts of the grants are as follows:

Outgoing visits from Oulu: The amount of the grant is a fixed support 245€/week plus travel costs (the most economic option, max. 1500€).

Incoming visits to Oulu: Fixed support 1000€/week (max 2 weeks) or 2400€/month (as per to the instructions by the Academy of Finland) plus travel costs (the most economic option, max. 1500€).

How to apply for a GenZ visiting scholar grant

Apply for visiting scholar grant by filling in the application form. Please enclose in the application the following documents:

1. A motivation letter that states the reason of the visit (scientific and/or other), the added value of the visit to the applicant’s research (scientific outcomes), a work plan (including a schedule) for the visit, and how the visit supports research in the GenZ area at the University of Oulu.

2. An invitation letter from the host unit/organisation. The letter must specify how the visit promotes international cooperation between the University of Oulu and the collaborating organisation/research institute. The letter must also specify how the visit supports GenZ research at the University of Oulu and the sending/receiving unit in it.

3. Curriculum Vitae (max 3 pages).

4. List of publications.

Incomplete applications or applications submitted after the visit will not be considered.

For further information, please contact GenZ coordinator Lotta Haukipuro:

More information about GenZ project:

Last updated: 17.11.2022