Get work ready and register for Career Centre’s workshops!

Do you want to stand out from the crowd and impress the employer? Are you interested in building your career already during the studies? Or wondering how to find internship placement?

Participate in the Career Centre’s workshops and upgrade your job searching skills together with the Career Centre specialists. You will learn to verbalise your skills and competences and build your own brand with us. We will give you the best tips for writing your CV, job application and LinkedIn page. We also guide you to prepare for the job interview.

We offer students a series of three workshops and warmly recommend attending each of the workshops (workshops 1–3) before entering the guidance. The duration of one workshop is 2 hours. The workshops are available to all the students at the University of Oulu.

Please see Career Centre workshops | University of Oulu for the schedules of and more detailed information about the workshops.

Register here for the workshops in Autumn 2022!

  • Register for the October workshops by 7 Oct 2022 at 14:00
  • Register for the November workshops by 4 Nov 2022 at 14:00

More information:

Angela Suorsa, firstname.lastname(at)

Last updated: 19.9.2022