The Grants of UOulu Scholarship Foundation for Master thesis 24.2. – 16.3.2025

The grants have been donated to the UOulu Scholarship Foundation for the thesis subject mentioned in the deed of donation. The thesis will be done at the University of Oulu.

Subject 1 (in finnish): Nykyaikaisten voiteluaineiden sisällyttäminen osaksi M1-puhtausluokitusta ja M1-luokituksen Pohjois-Euroopan markkinapotentiaalin selvittäminen.
Donor: Rakennustieto Oy
Grant amount: 8.100 euros

Subject 2: Geochemical mapping of the soil in the urban areas of the City of Kemi.
Donor: City of Kemi
Grant amount: 5.100 euros

Please find the grant application form at

The applications should be sent to by 16 March 2025.

The Executive Committee of Foundation decides on the receiver of the grant.

Pekka Riuttanen
UOulu Scholarship Foundation Agent

Last updated: 25.2.2025