Hybrid Intelligence collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam kicked off

The Hybrid Intelligence (HI) research program of the University of Oulu has started a collaboration with the Hybrid Intelligence Centre of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. On 20th – 22nd of November the HI research program of the University of Oulu made a visit to Amsterdam to kick off the collaboration.

The Hybrid Intelligence (HI) research program of the University of Oulu has started a collaboration with the Hybrid Intelligence Centre of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. As Hybrid Intelligence program is part of the five-year Profilation7 research programs of the University of Oulu, also collaboration with the Dutch Hybrid Intelligence Center will continue during this five-year period.

On 20th – 22nd of November the HI research program of the University of Oulu made a visit to Amsterdam to kick off the collaboration. The meeting included workshops, presentations and discussions, sharing experience about lessons learned in HI research program.

Participants in meeting from the University of Oulu were:

  • Sanna Järvelä, professor of Learning sciences and educational technology and the Leader of HI research programme
  • Guoying Zhao, professor of Affective Computing, Computer Vision and the Vice Leader of HI research programme
  • Hanna Järvenoja, professor of Learning sciences
  • Kristina Mikkonen, professor of Health Sciences
  • Janne Heikkilä, professor of Computer vision
  • Satu Kaleva, PhD, Coordinator of Learning and Learning Processes Research Unit

About the collaboration partner Hybrid Intelligence Centre

The Dutch Hybrid Intelligence Centre is headquartered at the campus of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, with working locations at all participating universities in Amsterdam (VU & UvA), Delft, Groningen, Leiden and Utrecht. The HI Centre will be a sustainable centre of excellence where researchers can meet, collaborate and use the shared laboratories and infrastructure, with a lasting impact on the research programs of each of the participating universities. The HI program of the University of Oulu is one of the partners of the Centre.

Last updated: 22.12.2023