I4WORLD secondment experiences
Here is one of doctoral researcher’s experience by Kati Asikainen:
I started my PhD journey in the I4WORLD doctoral training program at the University of Oulu a year ago in August, and the first year is coming to an end soon. The summer offered an ideal moment to pause and reflect on the experiences I have encountered during this initial stage.
A year is a long time, though it felt short, and a lot has happened during it. It was filled with several milestones and successes as well as an equal amount of frustration and failures. Obviously, it would have been foolish to expect only perfect outcomes. Sometimes failing really feels like crap but the greatest thing is that it serves as a valuable learning experience. Adopting a more positive view of mistakes has allowed me to see more opportunities for growth and learning. Another lesson learned during the year was the importance of work-life balance. After all, a PhD is often compared to a marathon, requiring resilience and dedication while also emphasizing self-care and well-being. By establishing my values, I was able to partially decode the science of achieving better harmony between my professional and personal life. Although I have gained a lot of insights and made progress, there is still much more to learn and experience in the future.
I also began a secondment at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland in the spring. It was a huge change for me, and to be honest, I felt like a fish out of water when jumping into a new and unknown environment. The beginning in the new country didn’t go without problems, and adjusting to a new kind of life presented its challenges. However, things are gradually getting better and I'm optimistic that this struggle will also pay off eventually.
During the secondment, I have had a pleasure of getting to know Professor Claude Monney and his group in person. Their warm welcome made me feel at ease and greatly helped me get started in a new working environment. I also want to express my appreciation to my other supervisors, Professor Matti Alatalo and Docent S. Assa Aravindh from the University of Oulu, for their advice and support. I have got a wonderful opportunity to continue working with them in this journey as well. While a bulk of my time is spent on independent research, I have found our discussions extremely fruitful. I look forward to continuing these valuable interactions with all of you.
To sum up, the first year has been like a roller coaster with its ups and downs and its twist and turns. I'm expecting nothing less from the coming years. Thanks to all who have offered their support thus far. I'm getting ready for the second year, curious about what all it will bring.

More information on Kati and her project.
The I4WORLD (Imaging and Characterisation for a Sustainable World) doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union.