Join us at Arctic AI Day 2024 - Towards Transparent AI on 19th of November

The third Arctic AI Days organized at Lasaretti on 19th November, 2024 in Oulu, in conjunction with the ACM 14th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2024).
This year, the theme of Arctic AI days is Towards Transparent AI - artificial intelligence systems that are designed and developed in such a way that their processes, decisions, and underlying mechanisms are understandable and explainable to humans. More trustworthy, accountable, and ethically sound solutions can be designed by allowing users, regulators, and stakeholders to clearly see and understand how decisions are made.
Join us at Arctic AI Day 2024 to share your innovative research and collaborate towards building a future with transparent and trustworthy AI! The event is organized by Infotech Oulu, Profi7 Hybrid Intelligence research programme, Profi6 6GESS research programme, and BusinessOulu. After the day programme there is also an opportunity to join for a dinner at the freshly renovated, beautiful City Hall of Oulu.
Keynote speakers and programme
Associate Professor Myrthe Tielman, Delft University of Technology: Appropriate mutual trust in human-AI interaction
Dr. Myrthe Tielman is Assistant Professor at the department of Interactive Intelligence at Delft University of Technology. Her background is in cognitive artificial intelligence with a degree from Utrecht University, and she received her PhD on the topic of a virtual coach for PTSD therapy from the TUDelft in 2018. This interdisciplinary and human-centric background has shaped the way she approaches her research into AI today. Her main interest lies in how we can build more trustworthy systems through developing mutual understanding between humans and AI, leveraging the strengths of both. Trust is a central lens in approaching this topic, trying to understand how humans trust AI, how AI can influence this trust appropriately, what it means for an AI to be trustworthy, and even how AI could use the concept of trust in its own decision making. Explainability of the AI system, communication between human and machine and understanding how to align with human values are key in how she approaches this topic of mutual trust and understanding.
Teemu Vidgren, Microsoft Finland: AI Building Genuine Competitiveness for Businesses
Teemu Vidgrén is the Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft Finland, and he is passionate about artificial intelligence. At Microsoft, AI is an integral part of everyone’s work. Teemu began his career as a startup entrepreneur in software industry and has since worked in various sales and executive roles within the ICT sector.
Other presentations and panel discussion
Programme features a great variety of presentations by experts of the AI field, and a brilliant line-up of our researchers from Hybrid Intelligence research programme.
- Associate Professor Juho Kannala, Hybrid Intelligence research programme, University of Oulu: Geometric computer vision for augmented reality and autonomous systems
- Adjunct Professor Karin Väyrynen, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu: The European AI Act and compliance concerns for organizations under the open texture of law
- Assistant Professor Haoyu Chen, Hybrid Intelligence research programme, University of Oulu: Towards Hybrid Intelligence: AI-based Perception, Cognition and Synthesis
- Doctoral researcher Prasasthy Balasubramanian, Center for Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP), University of Oulu : How generative AI changed Conversational Agents?
Panel discussion
Chair: Adjunct Professor Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Infotech, University of Oulu
Panelists: Myrthe Tielman (Delft University of Technology), Olli Silvén (Signal Processing Engineering, University of Oulu) Panos Kostakos (6GESS research programme, University of Oulu) Teemu Vidgren (Microsoft Finland).