Kvantum research project 2025 – 2028 call

Kvantum research project 2025 – 2028 call in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary thematic area Climate Change and Safeguarding Biodiversity.

Deadline for the project applications is February 29, 2024, at 23:59.
globe on the hand

Kvantum supports high-quality research in its thematic area Climate Change and Safeguarding Biodiversity (including former focus areas Sustainable Materials and Systems & Changing Climate and Northern Environment).

Kvantum systematically promotes the University of Oulu’s research in the thematic areas, especially with the spearhead projects. By working in active cooperation with the faculties, Kvantum develops the University of Oulu’s multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research profile, for example with foresight work. Social interaction and stakeholder cooperation of Kvantum increases the impact of research results, and supports high-quality and interdisciplinary doctoral education and promotes doctoral researchers’ interaction.

Kvantum is now calling for new research projects for the four-year period of 1/2025 – 12/2028. The new Kvantum research projects should address the global challenges recognized in the strategy of the University of Oulu for the thematic area Climate Change and Safeguarding Biodiversity including profiling themes Changing Space Environment; Biodiverse, Arctic, Digital Water Systems and Global Resilience; Green Transition and Circular Economy; Hydrogen Future and Sustainable Steel.

See the whole call text

Instructions and the application form for the Kvantum research project 2025 – 2028 application:

For further information please contact:

Senior Specialist Aija Ryyppö
Unit for Strategy and Science Policy
Phone: +358 50 591 7188
Email: aija.ryyppo@oulu.fi

Coordinator Pirjo Taskinen
Kvantum Institute
Phone: +358 40 767 4896
Email: pirjo.taskinen@oulu.fi

Last updated: 29.1.2024