Master's graduates of the Oulu Business School are satisfied with their degrees

The survey received responses from 80 master’s graduates from all major subjects of the Oulu Business School. At the time of response, 95% were in full-time permanent employment. Since graduation, 88% have not experienced unemployment or, if they have, it lasted no more than six months. The median salary among respondents was €4,775.
Respondents felt that their university studies particularly enhanced their ability to learn and absorb new information, research skills, analytical and systematic thinking, as well as self-direction and initiative. They also found these skills important in their jobs. Additionally, they would recommend the education to others.
This year, graduates who completed their master’s in 2019 and those who completed their doctorates in 2021 are invited to respond. The survey will remain open until December 9. All alumni in these groups are encouraged to participate, as the results are valuable for the ongoing development of the teaching and education.