Master’s Thesis Info Monday 11th September at 14:15, L1

Welcome to Information Processing Science / Software Engineering and Information Systems programmes Master’s Thesis Info event! This event is intended for 2nd year master students and older.
This event takes place on Monday 11th September at 14:15 – 15:45, room L1


  • What is Master’s thesis in IPS /SEIS
  • How to get started and finding a supervisor
  • Doing thesis at your workplace
  • Practical tips, thesis process and timeline
  • Q&A

Remote participation possible via Zoom:

The event will not be recorded, material available after the event from organizers.

Degree Programme Director Elina Annanperä and Tutor Teacher Karin Väyrynen will present the topics and answer all your questions.

Last updated: 1.9.2023