Meet the Researchers: Affordable and Clean Energy

Meet the I4WORLD researchers working on the Affordable and Clean Energy theme. The primary goals of their research is to provide affordable, reliable, sustainable energy for all with pro-environmental behaviour, sustainable and smart energy technologies and systems, and carbon neutral production.
Portrait of Abdul Rehman Khan

Abdul Rehman Khan
“Porous materials for clean water and clean energy”

Name of your research project: Development of MOF-based plasmonic composite photocatalysts from waste for photo-valorization of CO2 into fuels
Research units involved: Environmental and Chemical Engineering (ECE) and Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO)
Partner involved: AMO GmbH, Aachen, Germany

I came from Pakistan. Prior to joining Oulu, I held the position of Senior Engineer at the Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) in Islamabad, Pakistan. During my five-plus years there, I gained extensive experience in designing nanoporous materials for water treatment applications. Additionally, I participated in the fabrication of metal matrix composites for applications in neutron activation and absorption. I also have experience in fabricating ceramic matrix composites using ultra-high vacuum hot pressing techniques.

This research project aims to develop a sustainable, plasmonic photocatalyst based on Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for the photoreduction of CO2 into valuable e-fuels. My research holds the potential to create a significant impact on society and contribute to a more sustainable future. By developing a new method for producing clean e-fuels from CO2 using recycled plastic waste, I'm tackling two major global challenges: climate change and plastic pollution. This innovative approach could not only reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change, but also offer a valuable solution for waste management and resource recovery. Ultimately, this research aims to create sustainable and scalable technology for clean fuel production, paving the way for a cleaner environment and a more secure energy future for all.

I am highly motivated to pursue a career in industrial R&D, leveraging my passion for sustainable development and clean technologies. This includes both clean water solutions and clean energy innovations. I believe my skills and experience can contribute significantly to developing solutions that address critical environmental challenges.

Portrait of Anupam Lobo

Anupam Lobo
“To pursue responsible research for the well-being of all species”

Name of your research project: Sunlight-driven Hydrogen Evolution Reaction through Immobilized 2D Transition Metal Disulfides and 1D Hydroxides
Research units involved: Nano and Molecular Systems (NANOMO) and Environmental and Chemical Engineering (ECE)
Partner involved: AMO GmbH, Germany

I hail from Mangaluru, a beautiful city on the Arabian Sea coast in Karnataka, India. I spent my formative years there, growing up and completing my bachelor's degree. Mangaluru is renowned for its stunning beaches, delicious cuisine (especially seafood!), and its bustling port, a vital hub for exporting coffee and cashews. The city also boasts a thriving healthcare and education sector, with over 9 medical colleges and more than 50 large educational institutions.

I am a Mechanical engineer with a Master's degree in Polymer Science and Technology. Prior to relocating to Oulu, I consulted for a deep-tech startup in India developing wearable devices that detect health conditions through breath analysis, among other functions. In this role, I was responsible for sensor development, mechanical design and development, and prototyping. My background also includes experience in France, Canada, and India, where I contributed to various experimental and computational projects related to polymer physics. These projects focused on understanding the behavior of thin and ultrathin polymer films under confined environments. Over the years, I've gained valuable experience working on projects that span computational materials science, drug discovery, mechanical engineering, and polymer science and technology.

My project focuses on developing cost-effective methods to synthesize new materials for hydrogen evolution using sunlight and water. However, the ultimate goal would be to create a commercially viable, panel-like device. This device would be designed for immersion in water and direct sunlight, allowing for efficient hydrogen evolution. Such a solution could contribute to Finland's advancements in hydrogen research and development.

My research is expected to help in powering society with green and cheaper hydrogen, thus having cleaner air. It could help us all get a step closer to a world where vehicles and other applications run on hydrogen fuel cells, significantly reducing the air pollution caused by traditional fossil fuels. This shift wouldn't just benefit our lungs but would also empower societies to achieve greater energy security and independence. Economical hydrogen production could lessen reliance on fossil fuels giving us more control over our energy sources and reducing dependence on foreign oil. This transition would not only be environmentally friendly but also create new jobs and stimulate economic growth through the development of new technologies and infrastructure for hydrogen production.

After PhD, I believe I will continue working in a research and development environment preferably in an industry. I'm really interested in seeing the tangible results of research and development. While fundamental research is crucial, I'm currently drawn to projects where I can contribute to products that have a near-term impact on people's lives. This experience would allow me to directly see how my work translates into real-world applications. Moreover, I believe my skills would be well-suited for development projects where I can collaborate closely with teams to bring ideas to fruition.

Portrait of Kati Asikainen

Kati Asikainen
"Mapping the unknown, one idea at the time."

Name of your research project: Development of novel 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures for green hydrogen production combining experiments and first principles methods
Research unit involved: Nano and molecular systems research unit, University of Oulu, Finland
Partner involved: University of Fribourg, Switzerland

I come from Oulu, Finland. I have already quite a long-standing familiarity with the university, having completed both bachelor and master degrees here before starting the PhD. I have yet to leave my hometown but this will change with the PhD project as the secondment will take place abroad in Switzerland. This will be a great opportunity to gain new perspectives in life and do research in a different environment with researchers from diverse backgrounds.

The objective of my project is to develop novel photocatalytic materials for green hydrogen production. In this context, two-dimensional materials and their van der Waals heterostructures emerge as interesting classes of materials and promising candidates for achieving higher solar energy conversion efficiency. The research aims to address the increasing demand for clean and renewable energy sources and thus, promote energy sustainability.

My PhD journey is just beginning and therefore, I don't yet have a clear vision of the future after PhD. I am considering a range of options within both academia and industry, and actively exploring opportunities that align with my skills and interests. As I work toward completing the PhD, I am eager to immerse myself in the research I am passionate about and let it be driven by the curiosity.

Last updated: 26.9.2024