Momentum offers job hunting and career related webinars also in English in October.

Momentum's career services in October are both in Finnish and in English.

Momentum provides high-quality career services for highly educated job seekers and university students in Northern Finland. In October we also have a wide range of services in English. Please check out our webinars below:

➡️ 18.10. at 14-15 / Motivation in Job Hunting / Venla Vuorjoki

➡️ 19.10. at 14-15 / Mapping Yous Skills and Competencies / Kirsi Pajamäki

➡️ 20.10. at 14-15 / Succeed in Job Interviews / Kirsi Pajamäki

➡️ 21.10. at 14-15 / LinkedIn Profile - Step by Step / Tom Laine

➡️ 22.10. at 14-15 / The Hidden Job Market / Reetta Viinanen

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Last updated: 23.9.2021