Moodle will be updated to a new version in summer 2023

Support for Moodle version 3.9 ends on 13 November 2023. As such, we will adopt Moodle version 4.1 on 26 June 2023. There will be a few hours service break on the day of transition. Avoid using Moodle on that day.

The new version of Moodle is more user-friendly, the layout and visuals are renewed, and accessibility is improved. The most visible changes are a new desktop and a more functional calendar, which make it easier to browse your own courses and track the deadlines.

If you want to explore the new version, go to Moodle 4 website. In addition to videos, you will find a demo site that gives you the opportunity to explore Moodle in action as a student.

More information will be provided closer to the version update.Stay tuned!

Last updated: 2.5.2023