Onnikka weight management programme receives excellent HYTE evaluation

The digital lifestyle guidance application Onnikka, developed at the University of Oulu, has received an excellent HYTE evaluation from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The Onnikka weight management programme is designed to help overweight and obese individuals make lifestyle changes. Better lifestyle habits help prevent and treat obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, and support cardiovascular health.

Onnikka is based on scientific research and clinical trials conducted at the University of Oulu since 2012, which demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of the method. The application has been in use since 2022 in Kuopio and Central Finland and has since spread to other parts of Finland. The target group is individuals aged 18-65 with a body mass index of 27-40 kg/m².

Onnikka utilises the persuasive systems design (PSD) method and cognitive behavioural therapy. Users monitor their lifestyle habits and weight with the application and receive support for behaviour change over a year. Healthcare units receive monthly anonymised reports on the programme's usage activity and effectiveness, helping to assess its impact.

A peer-reviewed study published in 2018 showed that Onnikka significantly improved weight loss outcomes compared to traditional methods, with good results persisting for a second year. A peer-reviewed study published in 2020 showed that 71% of the most active users saw their metabolic syndrome disappear within two years. More than 70% of users were found to have used Onnikka for the entire year, supporting the programme’s engaging effect.

Onnikka can complement healthcare guidance or function as an independent method, saving healthcare resources. There is strong scientific evidence of the programme's effectiveness, and it supports long-term lifestyle changes. A five-year follow-up study of the Onnikka programme is currently underway.

In the HYTE evaluation conducted by experts Päivi Mäki, Auvo Rauhala, and Mari Rantamäki, Onnikka received an excellent rating of 4/5.

Development of the Onnikka weight management programme continues, with the goal of implementing the model throughout the Finnish healthcare system.

Read more about Onnikka's HYTE evaluation on THL website (in Finnish)

Comprehensive Evaluation Report of Onnikka (in Finnish)

Last updated: 19.6.2024