Oulu Business School’s researchers successful in applying grants

The Foundation for Economic Education awarded grants on 25 November 2021 a total of EUR 4.4 million for 266 projects. Oulu Business School’s researchers were successful in applying the grants.

The Foundation for Economic Education has awarded grants on business research and education for 266 projects. Platform economy, sustainable value creation and responsibility were emphasized in the projects. Most of the grants were awarded for doctoral and postdoctoral business research.

Ten research groups received grants in the application call for 3-year research groups. Professor Satu Nätti from the Oulu Business School received one of the research group grants for a multi-disciplinary study of meta skills related to the collaboration of virtual teams. A total of EUR 1.01 million was awarded to research groups.

Oulu Business School’s postdocs and doctoral candidates also received plenty of grants for doctoral and postdoctoral research as well as for research visits or other study trips. Among those who received grants were:

  • D.Sc. Irina Atkova, Managing Tensions in Transitioning towards Sustainable Business Model
  • D.Sc. Sunday Adewale Olaleye, The Impact of Big Data on Finnish SMEs Renewal: A study of Data Economy with the applications of Artificial Intelligence
  • D.Sc. Anniina Rantakari, The Dynamic Between Openness and Closure in Strategy-Making - Discourses, Space and Materiality
  • doctoral candidate Kawtar Ghafel, An Explorative Study into Menstruation Cycle Discourse in Consumer Behavior: Effects on Woman Consumption Behaviors & Ethical Concerns in Digital Menstrual Apps
  • doctoral candidate Kaisu Jansson, Organizational Hybridity in a University Hospital – Social Systems Theoretical Perspective
  • doctoral candidate Samppa Kamara, Diasporas’ Social Networking Perspectives and Internationalization: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study of Finnish Micro-Firms’ Expansion to Africa
  • doctoral candidate Kati Koivunen, Social Co-Construction of a Professional Brand in a Hyperconnected World – Understanding Professional Branding in Career Transitions
  • doctoral candidate Mahmoud Mohamed, Ecosystemic Big Data Platform Business Models for Connected Health
  • doctoral candidate Abdollah Mohammadparast Tabas, Leveraging The Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for International Growth – An Open Innovation Perspective
  • doctoral candidate Sara Moqaddamerad, Business Model Innovation on the Verge of Emerging Disruptive Technologies
  • doctoral candidate Pushpa Rani, Reversal Strategic Dynamics (RSD) in the Emerging Markets (Ems): Survival Strategies for Micro-Finnish Firms in Ems
  • doctoral candidate Van Tran, How Performance Evaluation Practices Affect Employees' Fairness Perceptions
  • doctoral candidate Zeeshan Ullah, Determinants and Outcome of Sustainable Product Attributes
  • doctoral candidate Raushan Aman, Migrant Women Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

See the full list of grant recipients on the Foundation for Economic Education website.

Congratulations to all grant recipients!

Last updated: 2.12.2021