Parking by motorcycle, moped car or ATV on the university campuses

Henkilökunta- ja opiskelijapysäköintialueet

Henkilökuntaan tai opiskelijoihin kuuluvan henkilön moottoripyörä, mopoauto, mönkijä ja traktorimönkijä pysäköinti tapahtuu pääsääntöisesti samoja periaatteita noudattaen kuin auton pysäköinti.

Staff and student parking areas

The parking of a staff or student's motorcycle, moped car, ATV, and tractor ATV generally follows the same principles as parking a car. Etc. means of transport are subject to the same rules and restrictions as parking by car on university campuses, and parking on them is strictly prohibited in bicycle parks or areas other than parking. For example, parking under canopies or near the building is unequivocally prohibited. Parking is allowed in the paid permit area claimed by the parker or in the parking area for which the parker has registered.

Guest parking areas on the Linnanmaa campus
Time-limited parking spaces:


- You don't have to use a parking disc or any other way to indicate the start time of parking, but the same time restrictions apply to motorcycle parking as to cars.

Moped car, ATV and tractor ATV

- Parking of moped cars, ATVs and tractor ATVs is subject to the same time limits as cars. The parking start time must be stated.

Paid university and university of applied sciences guest parking spaces:


-Parking in paid guest parking spaces is also subject to a charge for motorcycles. The eParking, EasyPark or Parkman applications are used to pay for parking.

Moped car, ATV and tractor ATV

-Parking in paid guest parking spaces is also subject to a fee for mopeds, ATVs and tractor ATVs. The eParking, EasyPark or Parkman applications are used to pay for parking.

Campus Services

Last updated: 18.4.2024