Pop-up event on 26 March at 12.30 noon: We are Hiring! HR Managers Unleashed

The University of Oulu attracts a large number of students to its wide variety of Master’s degree programmes. Local employers are turning their attention to the university and its international talents. Why, and what are they looking for?

Welcome to find out about their expectations and needs and to get hands-on tips directly form outstanding HR professionals. Discussion with Hanne Mattinen (HR manager, UROS Oy), Tuomas Halonen (HR manager, City of Oulu) and Heidi Huttunen (HR manager, University of Oulu). Host Angela Suorsa, employability developer at the University of Oulu.

Online on the University of Oulu YouTube channel on Friday 26 March 2021 at 12.30 noon. All you need is a web browser or phone YouTube app to follow the broadcast.

The occasion is part of the activities of the University pop-up space.

See also the recordings:

Last updated: 24.3.2021