Possibilities for young doctors to take measurements for doctoral hats in Oulu. NB: Info about locations added

There will be possibilities for young doctors to take measurements for doctoral hats in Oulu already in this autumn.

Melanders Hattfabrik will come to Oulu to take measurements for the doctoral hats of young doctors. Melanders Hattfabrik will be here 27th and 28th November, 12th and 13th February and 8th April. They will be on Linnanmaa campus from 9 to 13 and on Kontinkangas campus from 14 to 17. Book your time on their online form: https://melandershattfabrik.com/contact/ (mark the campus as the meeting point).


27.11.23 at 14–17 o'clock in Fibula

28.11.23 at 14–17 o'clock in Fibula

12.2.24 at 14–17 o'clock in Fibula

13.2.24 at 14–17 o'clock in Fibula

8.4.24 at 14–17 o'clock in Fibula

Address: Aapistie 7A. After entrance door, turn left. There's the entrance to Tellus, go to the second floor.

Kontinkangas service point: 050 560 1051

Kontinkangas campus is open on weekdays at 07.30–15.45 o'clock.


  • 27.11.2023 at 8.45–13.15 o'clock in HR221
  • 28.11.2023 at 8.45–13.15 o'clock in HR221
  • 12.2.2024 at 8.45–13.15 o'clock in HR221
  • 13.2.2024 at 8.45–13.15 o'clock in HR221
  • 8.4.2024 at 8.45–13.15 o'clock in HR221

It is strongly recommended that young doctors place their hat orders already in autumn 2023 even though Melander offers appointments for next spring also.

More information considering the doctoral hats: https://www.oulu.fi/en/conferment-ceremony/hat-and-sword

Last updated: 16.10.2023