Process Engineering for Circular and Bioeconomy – Updating Education
ProsBKT – Process Engineering for Circular and Bioeconomy project develops a new updating education for University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences to improve the expertise of process engineering in circular and bioeconomy in Northern Finland. The new education supports continuous learning for the people in the field and helps to keep up with the rapid development of the field.

A new pilot education entity gives an overview on Bioeconomy from the perspectives of business and process engineering. Study entities arranged in the autumn 2022 include
- Development of Bioeconomy with the tools of Circular Economy / Biotalouden kehittäminen kiertotalouden keinoin, 20 credits/op
- Bioprocess engineering as a tool in Circular Economy / Bioprosessitekniikka kiertotalouden työvälineenä, 15 credits/op
- Process engineering in Bio- and Circular engineering / Prosessitekniikka bio- ja kiertotaloudessa, 10 credits/op
The studies are flexible and include no costs for participants. Education can also be done beside the regular work.
In addition to the educational goals, the project includes planning of a new learning and RDI environment to support the Circular and Bioeconomy studies in OUAS and in the University of Oulu. The learning and RDI environment will also serve the companies of the area, by supporting their developmental work.
- Duration: 01.05.2020–30.04.2023
- Coordinator: Oulu University of Applied Science
- Partner: University of Oulu
- Funding instrument: European Social Fund, coordinated by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment.
- Project websites here
Last updated: 9.8.2022