Professor Alun Hubbard has been appointed as UArctic Chair in Cryospheric Science

Alun Hubbard is a field-glaciologist and geophysicist based at the University of Oulu and holds a part-time Professorship in Glaciology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Over 35 years, he has led dozens of interdisciplinary field projects examining the impacts of climate change on the dynamics of glaciers, ice sheets, and sea-ice across the Arctic - particularly Greenland, but also in Svalbard, Alaska, the Alps, Himalaya, Patagonia and Antarctica. Alun has presented on gong-winning documentaries such as Frozen Planet, Our Arctic and Chasing Ice - viewed by 100s of Millions worldwide. He is called on as an expert witness for global news media, and politicians / policymakers at, for example, the WEF and the inner circle of UN Climate (COP) Summits. Beyond academia, Alun is a passionate mountaineer, guide and conservationist with dozens of first ascents in Alaska, Yukon, Greenland, Patagonia, and Antarctica. He has circumnavigated the planet in his own sailboat, logged 115k nautical miles in high-latitude waters whilst using it as a base to over-winter in Greenland and Antarctica. With a unique combination of scientific expertise and exploratory spirit, Alun is a leading voice in addressing the challenges facing our planet's sublime, but rapidly changing, polar regions.
UArctic Chairs are highly qualified academics who will serve as academic drivers in a broad area of relevance to the Arctic. They implement and drive collaborative actions in research and education among UArctic members and Thematic Networks, and build partnerships with the broader Arctic community.
You can find more information about the UArctic Chairs here.
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