Professor Arjen Wals visited FRONT research programme at the University of Oulu

The FRONT research programme had the pleasure of hosting visiting scholar, Professor Arjen Wals (Wageningen University), UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development, at the University of Oulu. FRONT research programme and Resilience Academy of Oulu (RAO) organized ResilienceTalks seminar on 10th of April, and a related research training workshop on 11th of April with visiting professor Wals at the University of Oulu.
Professor Wals gave a keynote Sustain´ability´– what abilities are needed to sustain, disrupt and transform? Rethinking education and research in times of collapse at ResielienceTalks
In ResilienceTalks at the University of Oulu Professor Wals shared his perspectives on education, sustainable futures and activism in his keynote Sustain´ability´ – what abilities are needed to sustain, disrupt and transform? Rethinking education and research in times of collapse. The keynote really engaged the audience and gave the audience a lot of perspectives about the tools we can use to change the education systems now, when sustainability transitions are needed. Professor Wals pointed out that we need look for the path to move from cosmetic reform to deep change together. Change is not easy but it can lead to something more meaningful - and learning to change is easier together.
Professor Elina Lehtomäki from FRONT programme gave presenting words and discussant Professor Maria Ojala from the University of Örebro followed the keynote with excellent questions: what are the main qualities we need to promote among young people to make them prepared for disruption, i.e., to challenge the unsustainable structures that our society is characterized by. Professor Elina Lehtomäki, Vice leader, and Jarkko Saarinen, Leader of FRONT research programme welcomed Professor Wals. Professor Ojala´s visit was also a special one, since she will be starting 1st of August as full professor in Socio-ecological resilience track in FRONT programme at University of Oulu.
Professor Arjen Wals teaches Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability
Arjen Wals is a Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University. He also holds the UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development. His teaching and research focus on designing learning processes and learning spaces that enable people to contribute meaningfully to sustainability. A central question in his work is how to create conditions that support (new) forms of learning which take full advantage of the diversity, creativity and resourcefulness that is all around us – but so far remain largely untapped in our search for a world that is more sustainable than the one currently in prospect.
Maria Ojala is Associate Professor in psychology (docent) and research director at University of Örebro
Maria Ojala is Associate Professor in psychology (docent) and research director (shared responsibility) for CESSS (Center for Environmental and Sustainability Social Science) at Örebro University, Sweden. She has also worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education, Uppsala University. Maria’s research concerns how young people relate to, and learn about, sustainability issues with a specific focus on emotional reactions to climate change. She has focused on hope, worry, coping, climate-change engagement, mental wellbeing, and implications for education and climate-change communication. Maria has conducted both qualitative and quantitative studies and written theoretical articles about these issues. She has led several research projects financed by all the three Swedish research councils. She will be start 1st of August as full professor in Socio-ecological resilience track in FRONT programme at University of Oulu.
Researcher workshop: Transformative learning for socio-ecological resilience on a dying planet resonated with the participants
Professor Wals held a Researcher workshop: Transformative learning for socio-ecological resilience on a dying planet on the next day that resonated with the participants. The questions of the workshops were WHY? HOW? WHAT? WHO?
Why study transformative (or transgressive) learning?
What are urgent questions and needs for knowledge?
How transformative (or transgressive) learning is studied?
How and what data on transformative learning has been and can be collected among citizens, in organizations such as schools, higher education institutions, and businesses, and in informal groups?
What analysis methods are and may be used?
What new knowledge can research in transformative learning bring forward?
Does knowledge matter on a dying planet? Or do we need to move beyond knowledge?
ResilienceTalks is a dynamic discussion series that brings together researchers and experts in the fields of resilience and sustainability studies and development. Our aim is to provide a platform for thought-provoking discussions on topics that are academically rigorous and societally relevant. We believe that through engaging conversations and collaborations, we can make meaningful strides toward a proficient and critical research and more resilient and sustainable future. ResilienceTalks seminar series is organized by the FRONT (Profi 7) research programme and the Resilience Academy of Oulu (RAO).