RefWorks subscription ending 31 December 2021

The subscription for the RefWorks reference management programme, which has long been used at the University of Oulu and Oamk, expires at the end of year 2021. RefWorks users must transfer their references to another programme before the turn of the year if they wish to keep them for later use.

The current RefWorks subscriptions provided by the Oulu University Library and Oamk are valid until 31st December 2021, after which RefWorks cannot be used. The subscription will no longer be renewed because the terms of the agreement conflict with EU data protection laws.

RefWorks does not sell individual, personal subscriptions, so each user should export their reference library into another reference management programme or otherwise save them to another place well before 2022.

How can I save my references from RefWorks?

In order to save references from RefWorks, it is possible to export them to another reference management programme, e.g. Mendeley or Zotero. Free versions of both Mendeley and Zotero are available. Library provides guidance with Mendeley.

For instructions, see the video on exporting references from RefWorks to Mendeley in our RefWorks guide.

Please note! If you have used RefWorks with Word or Google Docs, you will not be able to edit the text references or list of references you have made with another reference management program. The RefWorks Citation Manager and Write-n-Cite add-ons will also cease operating on January 1, 2022.

Advice and support from the library

For advice and support with reference management, contact the library Information Service. The library will also organise workshops where we advise on reference transfer and the use of Mendeley.

The first Mendeley workshop (in English) of the autumn term for University of Oulu and Oamk students and staff is taking place on Friday 17 September at 12.00-13.00 via Zoom. More workshops will be announced later in the autumn.

Questions? Contact us:

RefWorks guide >>

Last updated: 10.9.2021