The research use of digitised newspapers and journals will continue with the Tutkain project – Oamk has also joined the project

A new agreement enabling the research use of the Finnish newspapers and journals digitised by the National Library has been concluded for the years 2023–2027.

In the joint Tutkain project of the National Library and Kopiosto, digitised newspapers and journals have been opened for research use. The new Tutkain contract has been concluded for the years 2023–2027. University of Oulu will continue with the Tutkain contract, and from the beginning of January 2023, the contract will also be joined by Oamk.

From the beginning of the year, the new Tutkain contract of the National Library and Kopiosto gives access to Finnish journals and newspapers published by 2021. Under the agreement, copyrighted digitised resources can be used by researchers, staff who provide teaching on research, and students working on their theses at the institutions which are parties to the agreement.

Authenticated researchers from institutions that have joined the Tutkain project can browse, search and read journals in the service of the National Library. The agreement also enables data mining. Login to the service is with the HAKA authentication system. When logging in for the first time, the user must fill out the user authorization form.

More than 9 million pages of digitised newspapers and journals

In the joint Tutkain project of the National Library and Kopiosto, digitised journal material has been opened for research use. In total, the new agreement gives researchers access to nine million pages of newspapers and journals, some of which have had all of their published issues digitised. All newspapers have been digitised retroactively until the 1940s, in addition to which all issues of newspapers published from 2017 to the present have been digitised. also has materials open to everyone

Newspaper and journal materials open to everyone (no login required) at

  • All digitised newspapers and journals until 1939; public use is based on an agreement between the National Library of Finland and the Kopiosto copyright management organisation, now extended until the end of 2023.
  • In addition, Swedish-language newspapers published in Finland until 1949 and digitised as part of a project for the digitisation of Swedish-language resources have been made available for a five-year term from 2022 to 2026. newspapers were opened for the first five-year period of 1949, 2022-2026.
Last updated: 11.1.2023